Switch ON

Have you ever wondered what benefits come with hiring older employees? First of all, their experience and knowledge are invaluable. It's like a treasure trove full of wisdom that can be utilized in the most challenging situations. Secondly, these are loyal and stable individuals. They're not looking for another adventure, but a place where they can grow and share their experience. But that's not all. Older employees bring a sense of calm to employee relations and can focus on the most important tasks, performing their work in an organized manner.

If you're a trainer, coach, or HR professional, we have something that will assist you in working with seniors. It's the results of the SwitchON project. What will you find in it? Primarily, an e-coursebook, a compendium of knowledge containing three modules. The first focuses on communication and managing age diversity within a team. The second offers thirty workshop scenarios that help participants in personal and social development and integrate an age-diverse team, contributing to its greater integration and mutual understanding. The third module is a case study that will show you how to manage age within organizations.

But that's not the end! SwitchON also offers a Power Box - a set of coaching cards that assist in self-development and communication. They are divided into four areas: integration, affirmation, development, and emotions. They're like text messages from a coach, suggesting a short developmental task or comforting you in a worse moment. And for dessert, eGame Room, a quiz platform that not only integrates the team but also introduces an element of competition. It's a great way to activate and motivate employees.

All these materials are available for free and under an open Creative Commons license. So don't wait, visit our website wellsol.eu/switchon, and start using these incredible resources today. So if you want your organization to benefit from the experience of older employees and increase its effectiveness, SwitchON is for you.  Don't miss this opportunity - take advantage of the ready-made materials.

Project information

The Sitch ON project was created in response to the issues faced by workers over the age of 55+ to long periods of isolation caused by lockdown. The educational tools and workshop scenarios developed by the international partnership will provide important support for trainers and HR professionals, who need to reintegrate and support multicultural and age diverse workforces.

What we create


Manual for trainers in an electronic version, containing three modules: tips in the work of trainers, 30 scenarios of classes, case study.


80 coaching cards in electronic version, divided into 4 areas of work: integration, affirmation, development, emotions.


An online platform for quizzes that integrate team and introduce an element of competition. It will include pre-made tests.


Each partner will conduct a series of 10 evaluation workshops for people aged 55+. During the workshops we will test scenarios and coaching cards.

  • 4 countries
  • 40 workshops
  • at least 40 participants
  • 8 trainers

  •         Email: project@wellsoleu.eu
  •         Phone: +48 600480871
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