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WellSol - Your Partner in Implementing Erasmus+ Projects

WellSol is your support in implementing Erasmus+ projects and other initiatives with EU funding. We are flexible, experienced, and offer competitive prices. Our mission is to provide innovative educational and technological solutions that support the personal and professional development of project beneficiaries.

What Do We Offer?

1. External IT, Educational, or Marketing Department: Our team can serve as an external department in your project.
2. Member of Your Project Team: You can include our employee in your team.
3. Partner in Your Project: As experienced Erasmus+ project coordinators, we are eager to contribute to the success of your project.
4. Administrator of Erasmus Platform: As administrators of the international educational platform, we can give your project additional promotion.

What Can We Do for You?

  • Website Creation and Management: From simple business cards to advanced educational platforms.
  • Development of Advertising Films: We create films that will attract the attention of your target group.
  • Creation of Training Films: Video materials that effectively convey knowledge and skills.
  • Recording Interviews: Professional interviews that convey knowledge in a practical and friendly manner.
  • Event Coverage: Complete documentation of your event in video form.
  • Audiobook Development: We transform your written materials into engaging audiobooks.
  • Podcast Development: We create podcasts that will extend the reach of your message.
  • Flipcards Creation: Interactive cards for learning and training.
  • Graphic Material Development: We create logos, leaflets, posters that will catch attention.
  • Translations into Any Language: Professional translations that will help you reach an international audience.
  • Article Writing: Content that will interest and engage your target group.
  • Creation of Workshop and Other Activity Scenarios: Ready-to-use plans and materials for various educational forms.
  • Post Publishing: We manage your communication on social media.
  • Writing a Subject Matter Handbook: Comprehensive educational materials in the form of a handbook.
  • Conducting Workshops, Lectures, Dissemination Events, Training, and Presentations: We handle the complete organization and conduct of various educational forms.

Contact us today and discover how we can support your project.

📧 Email:  
📞 Phone: +48 600 480 871

With WellSol, your Erasmus+ projects are in good hands!

Youth education


Conducting workshops

Adult education


Senior education

Health and mindfulness

Educational materials

  •         Email:
  •         Phone: +48 600480871