For 6 years, the Foundation has been supporting the development of adults in several ways - in its activity approaches a man in a holistic manner. The Foundation has a reach portfolio consisting of: workshops, trainings, presentations, meetings with interesting people, longer training projects, events which connects learning and culture, outdoor development meetings, events implemented in partnership with educational institutions, culture and local governments. The Foundation directs attention where it is less often directed by others. It focuses on deepening contact with oneself and with the world. Trainers reach for old traditions and the latest scientific achievements. The team is a group of trainers, so a special place in the Foundation's activity is devoted to extending competences useful in this profession.

The Foundation has been running the Holistic School of Coaches for many years, thus educating many competent trainers and coaches to work with adults in terms of interpersonal, professional and personal development. The project aims at people who want to broaden their professional and personal perspective in many dimensions and are ready to go beyond the classic coaching training template.

The Foundation's most important goal is to create opportunities for development through the implementation of the following:
  • professional skills development workshops,
  • personal development workshops,
  • social skills workshops and trainings,
  • conferences and symposia in the field of development,
  • actions aimed at supporting the people who participate in them in order to pursue their goals, supporting innovative development activities.
Methodologists and certified trainers cooperating with the Foundation have pedagogical and psychological experience in working with young people and people aged 50+. Experience is built on work for everyone education levels, constantly improving your professional qualifications and skills.

The Foundation's project is addressed to people who want to broaden their professional perspective and personal in many dimensions, e.g.:
  • personal development,
  • working with a group,
  • life coaching,
  • eco coaching.
In the Erasmus+ programs, the Foundation was a supporting institution and technical partner. Scope of projects:
  • promoting innovative solutions in social and vocational education of adults, with particular emphasis on older people;
  • activities that lead to closer cooperation and networking between organizations;
  • testing or implementing innovative practices in the field of adult education,
  • measures to better prepare and implement employees in the field of education and training who are able to meet the challenges in the learning environment related to equality, diversity and social inclusion.

Bjerkaker Learning Lab (BLL) is a small not-for-profit NGO enterprise in Norway run by Mr. Sturla Bjerkaker with cooperating partners. BLLs aim is to promote lifelong learning and strengthen democracy, local development and culture by project partnership in Norway and abroad. BLL is public registered in Norway with No. 874629782 and in EU with PIC 907349447. Bjerkaker LearningLab was establishes 18 March 2016 in Oslo, succeeding Semakolon Kommunikasjonskontor, establishes in 1995.

Among the activities and competences BLL can offer:
  • Adult learning and education (ALE), andragogy/pedagogy and study circles
  • Active and quality ageing and learning throughout life
  • Youth at risk, dropouts, new opportunities for deprived areas
  • Planning and organizing study tours and visits in Norway and abroad
  • Project management, presentations and teaching/training
  • Meeting?s management and facilitating group processes
  • Development Dialogue and Focus Group Meetings for change, regardless of topics
Among BLLs resent customers and project partners
Norwegian Association for Adult Learning, The Academic Adult Education Association, The Evening School Rogaland, Centre for International Cooperation in Education, the University of Trondheim, the Nordic Network for Adult Learning, the German Folk High School Association, Adult Education and Development, the German Institute for Adult Education, the European Association for the Education of Adults and partners in e.g. Portugal, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. BBL offers project cooperation and partnership engaging experts in addition to Sturla Bjerkaker, if needed. BBL is also a part of the consortium Phronesis SA, which is a not-for-profit cooperative enterprise established in 2018 with up to 15 experts in different fields.

The Humán Innovációs Csoport Non-profit Ltd.
 is a social enterprise operating since 2009. The enterprise combines reaching high priority community goals with social business operation what makes it special in Southern Transdanubian Region. As main activities, it supports a successful course of life by trainings for developing skills and competences, and it supports reintegration of socially handicapped people groups by special learning programs, trainings, adult education courses. The enterprise has a wide network of NGOs, professional organizations, university departments and institutions. Three years ago, a new branch (LIFT Project) was founded within the company what provides organizational development services for SMEs in the region.

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