

Empower yourself - motivational tools for supporting professional activity and wellbeing of people aged 55+; it is a complex developmental program, addressing the issues of social and professional exclusion among Europeans in their preretirement age, that is 55+. The exclusion results from not adjusting to modern labour market, workers? not investing in personal development, perceiving one?s actions as meaningless, feeling less involved and motivated to undergo a change. As a result, workers aged 55+ are often facing the necessity of performing work that is below their ambition and qualifications (or they resign/give up completely); there's stress, professional burn-out, the valu es that constitute a pillar for acting and coming to a decision in life are forgotten.

To approach those problems we need wise, adjusted to the ever changing reality, education in work-place as well as to create conditions for employees 55+ development. In the process of the change it is important to tailor the work tasks to the performed function (job crafting). It is also essential that emloyees 55+ experience physical, emotional or cognitive effort invested in the work (wellbeing).


The partnership between 3 nongovernment organizations, with different scope of activity (Poland - Hungary - Norway), is thoroughly prepared to develop complex solutions for specific needs and abilities of particular target groups. Therefore the main object of the partnership is to enhance professional potential of coaches and HR workers by operating in innovative developmental project allowing employees aged 55+ to learn how to trigger and increase professional involvement by focusing on internal sources of motivation.

Most important parts of the project are the actions aimed at involving workers 55+ in initiatives that introduce changes to their work, using their own assets, strengths and qualifications. As a result they should feel more in control (not only professionally) of their lives which should enhance their further development and professional activity.

The project will result in developing and distributing a program, which includes three stages of cooperation with people aged 55+


DISCOVERING, that means diagnosis. Starting the process, entering the program means identifying a level of satisfaction in employees 55+, their values. The desired effect is to create together a Map of Personal Change, that should show particular areas of work, exercises for individual or group training.



ACTIVITY, training to change. That means intensive, efficient, individual approach in working on areas that the participant decides to change, with the support of their coach/HR specialist. It contains 48 SCRIPTS FOR CLASSES: includes innovative methods, techniques and tools used in non-formal education enhancing personal development of people aged 55+, based on the best developed practices and the newly introduced activities. The scripts include, among others: building responsibility for undertaken tasks, team work, working on values, how to express one's thoughts to be understood, communication between generations, sense of meaning, motivating as well as enhancing workers involvement, techniques that protect employees aged 55+ from professional burn-out, important rules for triggering high energy levels in 55+ workers, overcoming barriers and motivating.

Furthermore, the project should be completed with multimedia material, 30 video workshops on Mindfulness as a way to improve quality of life and work. Each film is a 10 minute lesson, containing VO instructions from the coach. Those individual attention trainings exercise mind and are dedicated to people aged 55+ who would like to learn how to manage stress and negative emotions. The training should be also helpful in depression prophylaxis among preretirement population.



EMPOWERMENT, CASE STUDY - four good practices in working with people over 55 years old, taking into account job crafting and wellbeing, based on how Norwegian companies operate. The experiences are for the coach/HR specialist to get inspired and implement interesting suggestions to their own work. Authenticity, storytelling and pictures are also an important asset.

Partnership finds it crucial for the participants to take part in open pilot meetings, in process of assessment, in evaluation of reached results, in open discussions with the teams managing the project and in promotional/distribution meetings.

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