Description of the results

TOOLBOOK for trainers is an innovative tool created for professionals working with youth aged 15+. It contains proprietary methods and techniques that can be used in both online and offline environments.
What's in the TOOLBOOK?
TOOLBOOK for Trainers focuses on six key development areas:
- positive communication,
- work with stress and negative emotions,
- mindfulness,
- elimination of stereotypes and prejudices,
- building responsibility for entrusted tasks,
- proactivity.
For each of these areas, the trainers have prepared 5 extensive and detailed lesson plans.
Who is TOOLBOOK for?
TOOLBOOK for Trainers is dedicated to trainers, teachers, caretakers of the day care center, HR employees and all those who work with youth aged 15+ and want to enrich their working methods with new, proprietary tools.
Using the TOOLBOOK is simple and intuitive. Each lesson plan is described in detail, which allows for easy understanding and application of the proposed methods. The content of the TOOLBOOK is available in PDF format so that anyone can freely print, download or view it online.
TOOLBOOK for Trainers is not only a collection of class scenarios, but also a practical guide that helps in effective work with young people. We invite you to use our TOOLBOOK and discover new possibilities of working with young people
The Handbook for Youth is a material for individual learning, which is in the form of knowledge pills that provide the most important information in a very accessible form.
The material is an extension of the issues acquired by young people during workshops conducted on the basis of scenarios contained in the Handbook for Trainers.
The materials are developed in 2 versions:
- pdf flashcards (in the form of an e-brochure) - this version is necessary to discuss tasks with the trainer, perform additional tasks or repeat those already completed by the participant during the workshop with the trainer
- mobile flashcards implemented in the "Your Move" application
The Youth Handbook contains material divided into the following areas:
- mindfulness
- emotions
- priorities
Each of the 3 topics is divided into 10 lessons, consisting of an e-fiche for quick assimilation of the topic. The flashcards contain tips and a variety of short exercises with simple instructions explaining how to do them.
TRAINER'S DIGITAL LIBRARY "BODY AND MOVEMENT IN EMOTIONAL WORK" contains 15 videos developing the ability to recognize, express and regulate emotions. This is an original audiovisual material, developed in the form of short instructional videos (10-15 minutes long) supporting the trainer's work in the area of emotions. Their topics focus on body and movement techniques that develop the ability to recognize, express and regulate emotions.
Selected scenarios of the TRAINERS HANDBOOK will refer to a digital library supporting the work done during the workshops. During each of the videos, the main trainer will discuss the exercise in detail, supporting the facilitators of the youth workshops.
Through appropriate exercises (some reminiscent of gymnastics and others spontaneous expression of emotions), work will be done on tension, breathing, expression, setting boundaries and other aspects of the young person's functioning. Some of the recordings explain how to carry out the activity with young people during the workshop.
Each of the following topics will be covered in 3 videos:
- Expression
- Setting boundaries
- Working with voltage
- Self massage and acupressure
- Respiration
The cards support the trainer in conducting workshops and teach workshop participants how to express and communicate emotions in a way that is safe for others.
The cards have been developed in an electronic version (pdf files), so that everyone can download and print them in the required number and in the selected language. For greater rigidity and durability, prints can be glued to cardboard (card making can be part of group workshops).
The main goal of the game is to discuss the four basic emotions during the workshop: JOY, Anger, Sadness and Fear
and improving the ability to name and express them.
For each of the 4 sub-stages of emotions, 15 tasks/questions with graphics were developed. Working with cards, the trainer relies on projection and metaphor work. This is because each picture on the card may have a different meaning, which depends on the experience and experiences of the individual participant. The cards give plenty of room for your own interpretation - without being judged by the facilitator or other participants. In addition, the GRAPHICS on the cards can become a metaphor, thanks to which it will be easier for the participant to talk about their emotions, difficulties, and blockages.
The game is accompanied by a manual that contains a description of the different phases of the game: from general to detailed. There are 15 tasks/questions for each of the 4 basic emotions.
Discover the "YourMove" mobile app, featuring materials from the Free Your Mind project! This tool will open doors to emotional development for you! The app is available in four languages: English, Polish, Portuguese, and Macedonian.
The Youth Handbook is your daily dose of knowledge! In a nutshell, yet in a substantial way, you'll learn everything about mindfulness, emotions, and priorities. It's perfect for anyone who wants to delve into these topics in a simple and accessible way.
"Body and Movement in Emotional Work" is a collection of 15 videos that will teach you how to recognize, express, and control emotions. Short, 10-15 minute instructional films will introduce you to the world of body and movement techniques. Areas to be covered include expression, boundary setting, working with tension, massage, and breathing.
Want to teach others or yourself how to express emotions? Our electronic "Milestone" cards are a perfect way to conduct workshops and coaching sessions. They contain 15 tasks/questions about four basic emotions: JOY, ANGER, SADNESS, FEAR. Each card provides space for individual interpretation and can become a metaphor, facilitating talking about difficulties or blockages.
YOUR MOVE app is your chance to develop skills related to emotions, both individually and as a group. Whether you're a coach or a workshop participant, these materials are for you! Don't wait, download the app and start your journey towards better understanding yourself and others today!