Empowerment of women at risk of exclusion through coaching, Emotional Intelligence, physical activity and corporal expression.

The overall goal of Empact project is to improve the emotional and psychological health of women at risk of exclusion and belonging to disadvantaged groups, empowering them and increasing their self-esteem and self-concept through coaching, emotional intelligence, physical activity and corporal expression as a therapeutic and social integration element:
  • learning emotional management, to improve their ability to manage emotions and to introduce new habits into their lives that support  self-confidence and self-esteem. 
  • Coaching, to create an action plan to help women at risk of exclusion to apply their new emotional management skills through medium and long-term objectives.
  • Using physical expression to help identifyand reflect on emotions. Through movement we allow all the emotional blockages that we do not consciously dare to recognise to come to the surface. The connection with the body is the complement is an effective resource of empowerment.
The vision we have for our project is to generate a comprehensive training programme that offers women at risk of exclusion the means to empower themselves, to enhance their skills, to discover how not to remain in the situation they are in and how to bring about significant changes in themselves and in their lives.
The specific objectives of EMPACT are the following ones:
- To give visibility to the group of women at risk of social exclusion.
- To raise awareness of their problems and their weight in European society.
- Empower women at risk of social exclusion from an emotional and corporal perspective as therapeutic elements.
- To work on disinhibition, spontaneity and possible bodily blockages.
- To discover one's own body and feel at ease with it.
- To boost the self-esteem of the target group.
- To experience the great expressive richness of our body and give a voice to the target group.
- Enabling reconciliation with one's own body: moving from self-destructive behaviour to constructive behaviour.
- Discovering the other and in the other support, trust, reinforcement as basic elements of a good relationship.
- To introduce relaxation and body massage techniques that help to have experiences of peace, serenity and well-being with oneself implementing coaching and emotional intelligence techniques in their sessions.

The materials we have developed:


24 podcast as training modules to support the performance and the emotional competences of professionals in the fields of sport, body expression and physical activity.

See the podcast


18 videos with real cases of body expression / art / sports instructors, where they explain their experiences with women and how this kind of practices can help them.

See the video interviews
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